The Cavan Station angus cow herd has been developed over the past 20 years to be fertile functional early maturing and docile. Our harsh Southern Tablelands environment and steep limestone hills ensure there are no free rides in doing ability and structure. We have an eye to carcass traits and marbling to ensure our cattle can fit a range of markets. We require early growth but aim for moderate mature cow weights as feed conversion is paramount in our extensive grazing environment. Temperament is always a focus as quiet cattle do better and are safer to handle. Yard weaning is just one of the practices we use to ensure the highest animal ethical production standards.
After initially sourcing leading genetics from a range of industry studs in recent years we have focused solely on Millah Murrah genetics as their product seems to best suit our breeding objectives.
Additional trade cattle are often bought in to grow out or finish when excess feed permits and are often grazed on multi species crops.